Having to pay extra shipping fee is one of the main reasons why customers will abandon their shopping carts. Customers today expect free shipping to be available as a bonus for buying multiple items. Understand that, let us tell you why our Calculate Free Shipping Threshold add on will help you boost Cart Values and Sales.
Free Shipping Offers with Progressive Messages:
– You can either choose Orders totaling more than amount or Order at least X units of product Y to get free shipping.
– You can set up offers for one, a few, a group or all of countries in Shipping zones.
– You can set up different amount to reach free shipping for different shipping zones. – Display Free Shipping offers at top of Header, Add to cart popup, Dropdown Cart, Cart page.
– Show progressive bar with message when customers put more items in their shopping carts
– Congratulate customers when they get free shipping offers
– Geotargeting and Auto Currency: Auto-detect visitors local currencies and convert the free shipping amount with exchange rates you setup in BigCommerce backend
* Fully Customizable for colors of bar, texts you want to show.
* Responsive, and optimized for all screen sizes.
* Work well with any Stencil BigCommerce Template.
* Optimized layout for Mobile First – Work best on all devices.